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We help our clients to be EMIR and SFTR compliant with minimum costs and efforts
Helping institutions to cope with reporting-related requirements

Our goal is to allow our customers to be EMIR and SFTR compliant with a minimum of investment costs and to benefit from our expertise in terms of European regulation and implementation solutions.

The solution processes automatic data flows of any underwriting, modification, valuation and trade termination of your Derivatives, directly towards a major Trade Repository system (TR). This solution can be easily implemented on site or externalised towards Finalyse. Reporting requirements under SFTR are strongly inspired by EMIR.

We already have ample experience with helping institutions to cope with reporting-related requirements. Leveraging on our experience and EMIR solution we have extended our software to cover SFTR.

How does Finalyse address your challenges?


Fully compliant with EMIR & SFTR data model with respect to the new standards.


Possibility to outsource direct reporting, counterparty delegation and third party delegation to Finalyse.

Model design

Advanced data model design, with transaction history, audit and robust security measures.


Data quality checks tracking incomplete or erroneous entries.


Can be extended with Finalyse Valuation Services (FVS).


We provide support and follow-up explanations in case of need.

To get all your questions answered
Contact us for demo

How does it work in practice?




Key Features

  1. Automatic and easy reporting to a major Trade Repository.
  2. Easy mapping and conversion.
  3. Data model concept and process flow which can be easily implemented on site.
  4. The remaining workload is to build a bridge between our ready-to-use solution and the client's internal data system(s).
  5. Delegate the reporting towards Finalyse, which will act as Third Party.
  6. The Solution can be extended with the automatic download of the mismatch and inter-mismatch reports. 
  7. Finalyse EMIR / SFTR Reporting Solution can be extended with our independent valuation service for OTC Derivatives / Structured Products.
Régis Deymié
Principal Consultant

Régis, Principal Consultant experienced in risk management within the banking and fund industries, has significant expertise in heading asset management companies. He is well acquainted with Basel 3, AIFMD, UCITS and MiFID regulations. Thanks to his experience, Régis has developed Finalyse’s specific offer in the independent valuation and risk management process set up for the fast-growing private equity funds industry sector. Before joining Finalyse, Régis was a Vice President / Head of Risk Management in a mutual investment fund. He was in charge of developing the risk management process and was a contact person for regulators concerning all Risk Management related issues.  

Guillaume Gheldof

Guillaume has five years of professional experience in the fair value measurement and sensitivities of OTC derivatives and structured products. He investigates our clients’ (FPS and EMIR) requests and reconciliation procedures with counterparties. As a Delivery Manager, he oversees the client deliveries follow-up and internal process improvements planning. Guillaume contributes to developing and maintaining the Finalyse Pricing Platform, creating solutions for the pricing and sensitivity measures (Greeks), valuation and Greeks automatization, EBA stress testing, SCR, FRTB, Margin calculation, backtesting automatization, and CRIF reports updates. His technical expertise covers financial software like Bloomberg and Thomson Reuters Eikon and programming languages like R and VBA.    

Client Cases


For this insurance company with multiple sources of data and different formats, we import all the data in our application daily, applying mapping and conversion rules and quality checks. After reporting to an authorized trade repository, our client receives a daily quality dashboard allowing him to monitor and justify his regulatory compliance.


The bank is a long-lasting client of Finalyse, who requested an outsourced EMIR reporting managed service in 2018. Upon release of the new SFTR regulation, the client encountered the challenge identifying what rules specifically apply to them, which data must be collected and from which sources, which information is optional to disclose, and which is mandatory.

Finalyse has been working on extension of functionalities of automated reporting tool to cover securities financing transactions. Our development team upgraded the solution to allow the bank to be SFTR compliant with minimum costs and effort on their part, and to benefit from our expertise in reporting under the European regulatory framework having a one stop shop for EMIR and SFTR.