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SAS Risk Solutions Partner

Designed to meet your needs in risk, regulatory compliance and science domains

Finalyse brings extensive expertise in implementing a broad range of SAS solutions, particularly in the Risk Management, Regulatory Compliance and Data Science for both banking and insurance. This includes deliverables on SAS MRM, SAS RCM, SAS VA, SAS Intelligence Decisioning, SAS Viya, SAS Studio, IFRS17/LDTI, SAS Insurance Capital Management, and SAS Dynamic Actuarial Modeling (SAS DAM).

Our services include comprehensive end-to-end financial and actuarial modeling, risk management, and implementation projects, which cover Data Management, Process Optimization, Calculations and Regulatory Reporting.

By Partnering with Finalyse, you gain a reliable ally dedicated to optimizing your SAS Solutions and achieving your business objectives and goals.

How does Finalyse address your challenges?

End-to-end project approach

Our diverse team combines complementary skills to conduct a thorough analysis of your business, functional, and data requirements.

Upon understanding your needs, we present a tailored deployment plan. Our approach to data transformation and testing is guided by both business and regulatory considerations.

Scalable involvement

We can allocate a full team or an individual to deliver your entire project or a part of it. Detailed service level agreement will back up our promise for the high-quality service.

Post-implementation support / assistance

At your request, our experts are available to provide long-term assistance for the maintenance and enhancement of your solution.

To get all your questions answered

How does it work in practice?


Once the SAS environment is set up and solutions are installed, Finalyse steps in. Depending on client needs, we either implement/configure SAS solutions or use SAS tools for processing data, developing models, creating reports/dashboards while ensuring regulatory compliance. After scoping with the client, we present timelines, costs and allocated resources. For SAS solutions like SAS Model Risk Management (SAS MRM) or SAS Dynamic Actuarial Modelling (SAS DAM), Finalyse handles implementation and configuration, performing activities tailored to the client’s needs.

SAS MRM Implementation Activities

Custom Objects

The SAS MRM solution’s object-based structure is a key feature, enabling seamless linkage of multiple objects. During implementaiton, numerous custom objects, including the pivotal Model Inventory, will be created. The Model Inventory plays a central role, connecting with other objects like Issues, Reviews or External Approvals.


SAS MRM provides flexibility by allowing users to add various types of fields (Numeric, Character, Dropdown, Boolean, etc.) to the solution. Field access can be restricted based on conditions, ensuring data security. Additionally, users can conveniently download fields per Custom Object.


SAS MRM Screens are based on XML codes. Each custom object features its own screen comprising multiple tabs and fields, all tailored to meet specific needs of each client.


The workflow will capture all the phases of the model lifecycle.Each model family can have its own workflow. The authorised users can advance the models through the workflow. SAS Workflow  Studio is used to create the workflows. 

User Access

User access is managed by defining user roles within the SAS Metadata and the MRM solution, ensuring that each user can only perform tasks relevant to their role. Access control is granular, operating at various levels including Custom object, screen and field levels.  

Data Loaders

Data loaders in the MRM solution enable bulk data loading, accessible through both the interface and the backend. Excel files are supported for interface loading, while CSV files are used for backend loading.


Dashboards in MRM integrate SAS Visual Analytics reports, enhancing users’ ability to oversee data comprehensively and effectively manage model risk.


After completing changes in the MRM solution, they promoted to higher before reaching Production. During implementation, release packages are created comprising files such as .spk, .xml, .sh, .xlsx. 

We utilize tools such as SAS Enterprise Guide (SAS EG), SAS Data Integration Studio ( SAS DI Studio), SAS Model Manager, and SAS Visual Analytics (SAS VA) for data preparation, modelling, and reporting based on client specification. For clients on SAS Viya, we employ SAS Studio and SAS Intelligent Decisioning.

Key Features

  1. Data Integration: SAS Software (DI Studio or SAS Studio) used for integrating data from various sources
  2. Analytics and Modelling: SAS Software used for advanced analytics, modelling, statistical analysis and machine learning.
  3. Reporting: Finalyse will use SAS software such as SAS VA to create interactive dashboards and report.
  4. Compliance: Finalyse will ensure that your SAS software is compliant with the latest regulatory requirements.
Bassim Hammoud
Principal Consultant - SAS Risk Solutions Expert

Bassim Hammoud is a Principal Consultant with vast experience in Credit Risk Management. He has been involved in all kind of projects in the areas of data, modelling and implementation. His main expertise is SAS Risk Solution implementations. Bassim has led the successful SAS implementation of IFRS9 models, Credit Scoring for Banking, Model Risk Management, CRMB (now RCM). He has also expert knowledge of SAS Enterprise Guide, EMiner, Workflow Studio, Management Console, DI Studio, Visual Analytics and Viya.

Bruno Kahilu Muyeye
Managing Consultant - Expert in SAS Solutions / IFRS 9 for Insurers / CRR3 & Basel IV

Bruno Kahilu Muyeye is a Managing Consultant with more than 10 years in risk management. He has a broad knowledge of SAS Risk Solutions for Banks and Insurance companies and has been involved in several SAS implementation projects such as Regulatory Capital Management (RCM), IFRS9/IFRS17, SAS Insurance Capital Management, and Market Risk Management. Bruno is a certified Financial Risk Manager (FRM) and Professional Risk Manager (PRM).

Senior Consultant - SAS Risk Solutions, CRR3 & Basel IV Expert

Anish Pandey is a Senior Consultant with more than 12 years of experience in the area of Risk Management, BI, Data warehousing and SAS. His main area of expertise lies in the design, development and implementation of Basel III and Basel IV regulatory solutions. He has worked on SAS Risk solutions like SAS Regulatory Risk Management, but also SAS Firmwide Risk for Solvency II, SAS Detail Data Store for Insurance, and Viya. 

Divyank Garg
Senior Consultant - Expert in Actuarial Modelling and Prophet / SAS

Divyank is a Senior Consultant with more than 8 years of experience and a part qualified Actuary. He has acquired expertise in Solvency II, IFRS17 and MCEV reporting and has worked for life and non-life business. He has extensive experience in Prophet modelling, DCS, statutory valuation and IFRS17 implementation and his coding skills include Prophet and DCS modelling, SAS, VBA, R.